Are you a girl searching for a boy?
Have you decided to get married? And, you want to look for your life partner yourself. Go for it. You are the new age woman who knows her mind and is confident.
Go for the new age medium. Try Online Matrimony. The Indian matrimonial sites offer multitude of profiles for you to choose from. Be clear in your mind about the kind of groom that you want for yourself. Do your research on the good matrimonial sites. Then start with uploading your profile.

Go for sites that offer you verified profiles. if you are particular about specifications like region, religion, marital status, financial and social status or even the kind of job your prospective life partner should have, consider the marriage sites that offer you profiles based on these specs. Or be specific in your profile.
There are sites that cater to people who look for life partners based on the planetary positions as per horoscopes or natal charts. Manglik brides looking for Manglik grooms can register with for suitable profiles. As it is widely believed that people with a strong Mangal in their Kundali should find a Manglik bride / Manglik groom, the site is an ideal platform for them.
You need to get a good profile in place. A good photograph is a must. Just make sure that it is clicked in a natural environment. Make sure to be clear when you write about what you are looking for in your prospective groom. Good, clear, polite language is a must. In case you are a prospective Manglik bride looking for a Manglik groom, be very clear. This is a very important issue for most Hindus.
Keep looking at profiles. Take lead if you feel that you would like to initiate discussions. Answer the expressions of interest that you get. Do not initiate and continue discussions in ways that you do not feel comfortable in. That is, if you feel comfortable chatting online before you talk on the phone or meet, stick to your guns. Do not meet anyone alone and in places not familiar to you. Involve family and friends when you can. The Online matrimony space offers you many choices. Make best use and find yourself a life partner that you desire.