Indian Marriages are Replete With Ancient Traditions
Indians deeply believe in religious rituals and practices. Hindu marriages in India follow numerous rites and ceremonies as well as customs. These age old practices are a symbol of the tradition and rich cultural legacy of the Indian society. Weddings are an important occasion in an Indian society and they are viewed with the utmost sanctity. Once a couple is married, according to Hindu beliefs, they are tired for the next 7 birth cycles to each other.
There is firm belief in the institution of marriage and its importance in Indian society. One of the most important initial wedding ceremonies is the Tilak which is held exactly one month before the wedding date. No Indian marriage is complete without a Sagai or an engagement ceremony followed by the Sangeet.
The ever popular Sangeet ceremony is all about dancing and music. It is one of the most enjoyable wedding ceremonies and involves a lot of fun and music. The Mehndi ceremony is another very important celebration in an Indian wedding. Indians are ardent appreciators and admirers of beauty and elegance. During the Mehndi ceremony, women decorate themselves with beautiful designs etched on their hands.
The Var Mala ceremony is the most important wedding ceremony right at the start of the marriage. It involves an exchange of garlands in what is known as the Jaimala ceremony. Mandap ceremonies are also of critical importance. Vidai ceremonies are the time when the bride takes leave of her family. But the most important wedding ritual that occurs is during the course of the ceremony.
It is known as Saptapadi or the 7 step ceremony. During this ceremony, the couple walks around the holy fire 7 times in succession and take vows to be together even as Vedic chanting and mantras are carried out to purify the ceremony and bless the couple. Indian weddings are a celebration of traditional values and cultures. Reputed Indian matrimonial sites, like ours are the best choice for finding your perfect soul mate.