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With divorce rates sky rocketing in several parts of the world, there is something about the values and traditions that are integral to Indian matrimonial system which play a role in creating a strong and successful bond that lasts the couple a lifetime.
There are a number of factors that contribute to creating a stable marital life. It is typically built on common values, a strong support system and shared dreams built on open communication, mutual understanding and love.
Here is an elaboration on some of the factors that play a significantly high role in ensuring marital bliss:
Common Cultural Backgrounds
While many modern day couples may disagree, it is a general observation that people from a similar cultural background are believed to have a stronger marriage. India being a secular country, there are a number of different cultures that dwell here. Even though you have grown up the same vicinity and you may have gone to the same school and read the same books and listened to the same movie, when it comes to living together, one will be surprised with how one’s own personal culture has been instilled into your day to day lives and shaped the person you are today.
If you are brought up in a cultural group that has the same or similar beliefs, the transition is a lot easier for couples and it makes it a lot easier for them to design their lives and day-to-day routines. Additionally, there are fewer disagreements with it comes to child rearing.
Economic Background
When we talk about economical backgrounds, it does not mean that you have to be financial well off to be in a matrimonial relationship that is successful. In fact, a good marriage consists of a family that belongs to similar financial backgrounds and follows a similar philosophy and principle in financial matters. The key is to understand where you stand as a couple and keep your expenses within limits.
Support for Family Members
A strong support system is integral to any strong and stable marriage. In addition to family members, it is important to have friends who are supportive of your relationship and are there to give you correct advice that helps you through the tough times in a marriage. While the western countries are now ardent of living in smaller families, where relatives are all miles apart and friends and too busy to be there for each other, the result is evident in the large number of failed marriages.
In contrast, in an Indian setting, most siblings and parents are integral to major decisions that are taken by the couple. Parents are there to offer unbiased advice and even there to set an example to their married children.
In addition to this, a strong and successful matrimonial relationship is built on the couples ability to communicate with each other, understand each others needs, demands and requirements and even be the bigger person by accepting mistakes whenever possible. Stick to your values and build yourself a marriage that is full of happiness and eternal bliss!