Manglik Dosha Cancellation – Mangliks Matrimony
The cancellation of Manglik Dosha in an astrological birth chart can be accomplished by using the principles of remedies mentioned in Vedic Astrology. Also there are some placements in horoscope which automatically lead to cancellation of Manglik Dosha.
Manglik Dosha or Mangal Dosha is considered a bad combination for marriage or relationship, caused due to Mar’s unfavorable position in the astrology chart.
When is the person considered to be Manglik:
The calculation for a Manglik chart is very simple. In simpler terms, when Mars is placed in 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th house and in some cases in 2nd house from ascendant (Rising of a zodiac sign), the person is said to have Manglik Chart. Mars is said to be the main planet regarding Mangal Dosha. This Dosha is also known as Kuja, Angaraka and Bhom Dosha.
Positions which Cancel or Neutralize Negative Effect of Manglik Dosh?
Following are some planetary combinations, which cancel the negative impacts of Mangal Dosha. These combinations will not only neutralize the effects, but also give you a happy married life.
- Primarily if Mars is placed in the ascendant in Aries, Leo or Aquarius sign, the bad effects of Mangal Dosha will be canceled. So this placement will automatically lead to cancellation of Mangalik Dosha.
- When Mars is in its own sign or in the houses owned by its friends, Manglik Dosha gets cancelled.
- If Mars is in the 2nd house but in Virgo or Gemini sign, Manglik Dosha does not get formed.
- If Mars is in Sagittarius (Dhanu) or Pisces (Meen) in the 8th house, the Manglik dosha is only partial (anshik).
- If Mars is in its own sign, i.e. In Aries or Scorpio (Mesh or Vrishchik), the effects are diluted and the Manglik dosha is partial only.
- If Mars is in Gemini or Virgin in 2nd house, there is no Manglik dosha.
- If Mars is in Taurus or Libra in 12th house, the Manglik Dosha is divorced.
- If Mars is aspected by a benefic planet having natural beneficial and positive influences, unlike to malefic planet e.g. Jupiter, Mangalik dosha is not present.
- If Venus is in Ascendant(lagna), there is no Manglik dosha.
- If Mars is exalted, Capricorn(Makar) or in own sign(Aries or Scorpio) in Navamsha. In Indian Vedic astrology, this is the 1/9th divisional chart (varga), powerful and the most important of 16 charts (varga), primarily related to marriage prediction. Predictions are made through position of planets in various houses of Navamsha chart, quite similar to the judgments are given according to the position of planets in various houses in astrological natal charts. This chart is not used in western astronomy chart. The Manglik effect or Mangal Dosha is nullified and canceled if Mars is elevated in Navamsha.
- If Venus is in elevated sign, i.e. In Pisces, in 1st, 4th, 7th house in a native’s birth chart, there is no Manglik dosha.
- If both boy and girl are Manglik, Manglik dosha is canceled.
Remedies for Cancellation of Mangal Dosha
- The deities who represent Mars are Subramanya, Karthikeya, Kumaraswami or Skanda. Worshiping these gods every Tuesday will bring relief. The worshiping will lead to dilution of dosha and hence the negative effects of manglik dosha will be felt less on the native. The certainty regarding the complete cancellation of manglik dosha is not assured.
- When Mars is in 8th house and to protect the Mangalya of the girl, especially in South India, the bride is married to a tree like A Plantain tree (in some cases Pipal Tree). After the marriage is solemnized, the tree is chopped off signifying the death of husband thereby the Dosha gets nullified. She will be prepared for actual marriage.
- In severe cases, Maha Mrityunjaya Homa / Navagraha Homa / Ayushya Homa may be required at the appropriate time.
- Legends have that Savitri fought with Lord Yama and got her husband back to life. Hence people believe that girls should perform Savitri Vrata regularly to protect their husband’s longevity.
- Some people recommend wearing gems like Red Coral. But I feel that by wearing these, you are strengthening Mars and his influence on those houses may increase manifold. As far as possible do not wear any of these.
- Worshiping the Gods Bhairava or Narasimha beside Subramanya can help relieve the distress.
- Worship of Lord Hanuman is best for giving strength to your mars. Hanuman Puja is strongly recommended by astrologers for Manglik Dosha Cancellation.
Manglik Dosha and Marriage:
Manglik Dosha or yoga is very important from a marriage stand point. Individuals must perform some prescribed rituals with the advice of a learned astrologer before getting married. It is considered good if Manglik Yoga or mangal dosha is present in the astrological natal charts of both the boy and the girl who are planning to get married. A person with Manglik Yoga is called Mangali.
If in case Manglik is getting married to a person who is not Manglik, then in that case one should follow some measures for getting the Manglik Dosha cancelled. Here it is important to elaborate that the effect of Manglik Dosha will get diluted by the following remedial solutions but it will not lead to 100 percent cancellation of Manglik Dosha.