The Effects of Manglik Dosha and Suitable Remedies

The Effects of Manglik Dosha and Suitable Remedies

Learn about Manglik dosha, its effects on marriage and relationships, and discover effective remedies to mitigate its negative impact. Understand the significance of Mangal dosha in Vedic astrology and the importance of seeking astrological guidance. Explore remedies such as Manglik-Manglik marriage, performing pujas and homas, wearing gemstones, chanting mantras, engaging in charitable acts, and more. With the help of an experienced astrologer, overcome the challenges posed by Manglik dosha and lead a harmonious and fulfilling life.

Manglik dosha, also known as Mangal dosha or Kuja dosha, is a significant aspect in Vedic astrology. It is believed to have a strong influence on a person’s life, especially in the area of marriage. In this blog post, we will explore the effects of Manglik dosha and discuss some suitable remedies to mitigate its impact.

Understanding Manglik Dosha

Manglik dosha is formed when the planet Mars (Mangal) is placed in certain positions in the birth chart. It is considered to be a malefic influence that can cause disruptions and challenges in married life. People who have Manglik dosha in their birth chart are called Mangliks.

The effects of Manglik dosha can vary depending on the severity of the dosha and its placement in different houses of the birth chart. Some common effects of Manglik dosha include:

  • Delay in marriage
  • Conflicts and disharmony in relationships
  • Health issues
  • Financial difficulties

Remedies for Manglik Dosha

While Manglik dosha is considered to be a challenging aspect, there are remedies that can help mitigate its negative effects. It is important to note that these remedies should be followed under the guidance of a knowledgeable astrologer.

1. Manglik Dosha Analysis

Before proceeding with any remedies, it is crucial to get a thorough analysis of the birth chart to determine the severity of the Manglik dosha. An experienced astrologer can provide insights into the specific impacts and suggest suitable remedies accordingly.

2. Marriage with a Manglik

One of the most common remedies for Manglik dosha is to marry a person who also has Manglik dosha. It is believed that when two Mangliks get married, the negative effects of the dosha cancel each other out. This practice is known as “Manglik-Manglik” marriage.

3. Performing Pujas and Homas

Performing specific pujas and homas (fire rituals) can help appease the planetary energies and reduce the malefic effects of Manglik dosha. Some of the recommended pujas include Mangal Graha Shanti puja, Navagraha puja, and Maha Mrityunjaya puja. These rituals should be performed under the guidance of a qualified priest.

4. Wearing Gemstones

Wearing gemstones associated with the planet Mars, such as coral (moonga) or red garnet, is believed to counteract the negative effects of Manglik dosha. It is essential to consult an astrologer to determine the appropriate gemstone and the correct procedure for wearing it.

5. Chanting Mantras

Reciting specific mantras dedicated to Lord Hanuman or Lord Shiva is considered beneficial for reducing the impact of Manglik dosha. The Hanuman Chalisa or the Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra are commonly recommended for this purpose. Regular chanting of these mantras can help calm the planetary energies.

6. Charitable Acts

Engaging in charitable acts, such as donating food, clothing, or money to the needy, is believed to have a positive influence on the effects of Manglik dosha. It is considered a way to balance the negative karma associated with the dosha.

7. Seek Astrological Guidance

It is crucial to seek guidance from a qualified astrologer who can provide personalized remedies based on the individual’s birth chart. An astrologer can analyze the planetary positions and suggest specific remedies to alleviate the negative effects of Manglik dosha.


Manglik dosha is a significant aspect in Vedic astrology that can have a profound impact on an individual’s life, particularly in the realm of marriage. While it is considered a challenging dosha, suitable remedies can help mitigate its negative effects. It is important to approach these remedies with the guidance of an experienced astrologer to ensure their effectiveness. By following the recommended remedies and seeking astrological guidance, individuals can navigate the effects of Manglik dosha and lead a harmonious and fulfilling life.