Top 5 Signs That Tell You Are Ready To Propose

Top 5 Signs That Tell You Are Ready To Propose

“Will you marry me?” Popping this question could be the biggest decision you’ll ever make. You will be exchanging those holy vows and putting a ring on your relationship once you’ve proposed for the wedding. You will be sharing your whole life with each other, walking through thick and thin together. You need to be sure as marriage is a lifelong affair and there would be no looking back once you’ve gotten down on one knee and put a diamond on her ring finger.

You need to be sure of the person. You need to know that you want to marry her for all the right reasons. you also need to be sure that there would be no better time to propose your girl than this From your gut instinct to your partner’s behavior to your bank account and even to your friends, there are a number of signs that would help decide whether you are ready to make a proposal to your girl or not.

Here are the top 5 most important signs

1. If You Know The Answer Would Be A YES

Observe your partner’s behavior and see if she is dropping hints regarding marriage. You’ll notice a change in her behavior when your girlfriend is also ready to get hooked. This is the biggest sign that you’re ready to propose if you know that her answer will be a big YES. If you find your loved one excitedly discussing rings, weddings or her friend’s marriage recently, she’s throwing obvious hints about her intentions of getting married. As long as you know her intentions and you’re not freaking out by her hints, then it is a sure sign that you are ready for your marriage proposal.

2. Your friends and family love your partner.

The two of you have been together for a pretty long time and even your friends and family have become fond of her. If that’s true in your case too, you’re ready to pop the marriage question to your girlfriend. Your friends and family want to see you happy and if they have given a green signal to her, it is a strong sign that you should start searching for the wedding ring. Proposing to your girlfriend who is doted by your friends as well as your family members would mean you don’t have to be struck between choosing your family/friends or your girlfriend.

3. Your partner is an important part of your future.

Many men freak out at the discussion about the future. But that isn’t the case with you. You casually make plans with her for 10 years and want to see her by your side when you achieve the milestones of your life. You and your partner have planned a future together and she is an important part of your future in each plan. If you don’t feel like running away from marriage when your girlfriend wants to talk about a future together, you’re totally ready to pop the proposal.

4. You’ve discussed finances openly

Marriage is not only the marriage of two souls and families but also the marriage of two finances. You know you’re ready to pop the marriage question if both of you have discussed your finances openly. You know your to-be life partner’s financial status and so does she. Once you know that both of you are open about the earnings, spending, savings and the debts, it’s a clear cut sign that you are all set to come out from the matchmaking phase and propose your loved one for marriage.

5. You’ve achieved a big goal.

Whether it is on the personal front or the professional, if you have achieved one of your most-anticipated goals in life, you are all set to leap for the next step in your love life as well. You could have gotten a promotion, brought your own house, a personal vehicle or achieved anything youve been working really hard for; If you’ve just hit a big milestone in your life, it’s the perfect time to make your partner a part of all those festivities by prepping her up for those holy vows.

Marriage is a lifetime commitment and you need to be sure before popping the marriage question to your partner; after all, you don’t want to get rejected or get your partner’s yes under the situational pressure. If you see the above signs and have positive vibes regarding the proposal, do not hesitate and propose her for marriage.