The below-mentioned steps are he actual traditional process for Marriage Matching.
Several methods are followed for matching horoscopes for marriage. In earlier time, The Kundali Matching was given Due importance before Marriage and As a result, most of the marriages used to be successful.
Some People Wants to have Matchmaking by name or through Numerology. But the Process of Matchmaking by Date of birth is the most Accurate and reliable one.

In traditional Hindu astrology for matching of horoscopes between bride and bridegroom, the Rashi or sign and the Nakshatra or constellation in which the Moon is placed in both horoscopes are only considered. Though there are many other aspects which are not studied. It has been found that the ready made compatibility points table given for 36 points for Moon Rashi and Nakshatra in many books and Panchangas for matching both the horoscopes is not correct.
You Should read my Actual Kundali Matching Process for this.
The factors considered by astrologers on the basis of Moon Rashi and Nakshatra are Varna, Vasya, Graha Maitri or Rasyadhipati and Rashi Kuta. The factors for moon Nakshatra are Dina Kuta or Tara Bala, Yoni Kuta, Gana Kuta, Nadi Kuta, Rajju, Vedha, Mahendra and Stree Deergha. This process of Matching Horoscopes on the Basis of Moon Star is known as Ashtakoota Matching.
Each of the aforementioned factors represents some distinct aspects and those are –
- Varna – Spiritual or Ego development
- Vasya – Magnetic control and Amenability
- Graha Maitri(Rasyadhipati) – Psychological disposition, Mental qualities, Affection etc.
- Yoni Kuta – Physical contact
- Gana Kuta – Character and Temperament
- Nadi Kuta – Pulse and Nervous energy, Physiological and Hereditary factors
- Rajju – Married life duration and Widowhood
- Vedha – Afflictions
- Mahendra – Well-being, Children, Longevity
The position of the Moon is also studied with respect to its hemming on sides, aspects and associations with natural malefic planets and its Ashtak Varga chart.
But this Matching of charts with Only Moon and Moon Naskshatra is not a Best Practice. The Best matchmaking Process is Ashtakoota Matching along with detailed Study of the Individual Horoscopes. There are many other important factors which Should considered in both the horoscopes and these are:
- Manglik/Mangal or Mars Dosha, position of Mars from Venus, Moon, Ascendant or Lagna for family and conjugal happiness.
- Dosha due to four other natural malefic planets- Saturn, Rahu, Ketu and Sun.
- Ascendants with respect to each other, hemming on both sides by natural malefic planets and 6th, 8th or 12th house lords in the ascendant.
- Ascendant lords with respect to their placement to each other, friendly or enemy relationship, in 6th, 8th or 12th houses and aspect or association with natural malefic.
- 7th house lords or marriage lords with respect to points similar to ascendant lords.
- 8th house lords or lords of longevity with respect to placement to each other and relationship.
- Factors relating to the other eight planets – Sun, Mars, Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Ketu and Venus with respect to their placement to each other and the relationship between the lords of the houses where they are positioned.
- The position of Ascendant and Moon to each other.
- The position of signification for Marriage and Energy Venus and Mars to each other.
- Association and aspects of Venus by natural malefic.
A good Professional Matchmaker will never be worried with the ashtakoota points. Because ashtakoota points are calculated only based upon Moon Nakshatra. But if the Individual Horoscopes are Favorable and Supportive, The Marriage can be Performed. The Biggest astrologer of this century Late Mr. B. V. Raman always Suggested the complete Analysis of the Charts and he always suggested not to depend on Ashtakoota Points. Any Good Professional Matchmaker will always check the Individual Chart of the Boy and Girl to See various aspect that will impact the Married Life like Mental compatibility, Nature and character, Married Life, Child birth etc. This is the best matchmaking Process. In Such Case bride and groom can perform Marriage even with less than 10 Ashtakoota Point and the relationship will be harmonious.
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