Are People Nagging You to Get Married? Deal the Pressure Smartly
If you are in a marriageable age and still single then for sure you must be feeling the pressure to get married and settle down. The pressure to get married is not limited to Hindu, Sikh or Jain or to some other community, but it real and visible across all the classes and caste. Irrespective of the facts like educational background, working status, gender or financial status, the pressure to get married is affecting the life of every youngster. It is not that the women in marriageable age are facing such pressure, but men are not even unaffected with it.
However, we can’t change the mindset of people, but we can even try to make them understand the point of waiting for the right person not the right time. But, this is again a very tricky affair and there are chances that you will face reverse effects of the same. The best you can do is to devise some strategies to deal with this pressure without even making big fuss about it.
Here, we are sharing some points to deal with the pressure to get married and enjoy your bachelorhood
Be sure what you want
Before reaching to any point or conclusion, it is better to be sure what you want in your life. Are you happy with your present life? What are the reasons behind not getting married? Do you want to get married soon or not? What are your life partner preferences? What do you think about married life? If you know the answer of these questions and you know what exactly you want in life, then it is worth waiting for the right person. So, before accepting or rejecting some marriage proposal, it is better that you are 100% sure what you are doing and what you want in your life.
Be logical
When you say no to any proposal or ask your parents to give you some more time as you don’t want to get married, then be logical with your replies and approach. If you will give them lame excuses and tell them that you don’t want to get married because you are not ready for it, or your friends are still single. This is not very convincing point for your parents. So, if you do not want to get married right now, give them convincing logic.
Explain with patience
If you don’t want to get married now, explain it to your parents. If they are pressurizing you to get married soon and giving their own logics for getting married and you are in no mood to settle down now, have patience and explain them your point. Be clear about your thoughts and don’t get hyper or irritated while explaining your point to your parents or your friends because your anger might annoy them.
Be honest
It is important that you to remain honest in your thoughts and approach. Don’t beat around the bushes and talk about something irrelevant. If you are in a marriage relationship with someone and he/she is asking for some time to take the next step, told this to your parents why you need more time and be honest with them. If you want to focus more on your career right now and want to settle down financially before getting married, be clear about and make them understand your point. So, it is important to be honest in your approach.
Love marriage/arranged marriage
Are you sure you want to do love marriage and arranged marriage? Be sure what you want in life. If you are sure about that there is no one in your life and you want to do arranged marriage only, make it clear to your parents as well that you will go for arranged marriage only. There is no one in your life and you will tie the knot with their wishes. It will not create any confusion in their mind that you are postponing marriage because of other reasons.
Don’t feel friend’s pressure
This is another pressure which most of the youngster feel. At times, you feel so stressed because all your friends give you many reasons why you should tie the knot. They want you to enter into the married club because they all are married and you are single. If you are comfortable with your single friends, enjoy their company. Don’t stress yourself unnecessary.
Advantages of being single
If you want to wait take some more time to settle down, don’t worry about others and enjoy your bachelorhood. It is great to be single. No matter, you are 25years or 35 years and still single, there is no harm in it. There are a lot of things which you can experience and enjoy being single. Every phase of life has its own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, finding the right partner is more important than getting married with wrong one. Enjoy your life to the fullest and have fun with friends and family.
Be open with ideas
This is another thing on which you should work upon. Be open with different ideas. If you are in a relationship and your boyfriend or girlfriend wants some time before meeting your parents or getting married, be open with it. Don’t force your partner to marry soon. If your fiancée/fiancé wants to postpone the marriage for a few months or a year then be open with that idea.
Communicate well
Communication is the key for any strong relationship. It is better to communicate well your thoughts and ideas with people. If you will not reply to their questions or don’t make your point clear why you don’t want to settle down now, it will further create confusion and irritate them. Therefore, communicate well about your thoughts and feeling, rather than avoiding conversation.
— (@MangliksDotCom) August 14, 2022
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