Manglik Dosh and its Cancellation
The term Manglik is very common today. But the question arises who is Manglik or what is Manglik Dosha? Normally everyone believes that during matching of Horoscope before marriage people consult Pundits and Vedic Astrologer which result into rejection of most agreeable match of boy and girl and mental pain to love birds. Manglik Dosha is a main issue considered by them while doing Kundli Milan.

According to traditional Astrology, when the planet Mars is placed in certain houses of the horoscope of an individual, it casts large influence on various aspects of life of that person. An individual having such an afflicted Mars status is known as a Manglik. This condition is also known as Kuja Dosha or the Bhauma Dosha. Mars is also knows as Bhauma. Now even Western Astrology is also able to identify the ill effects of Planet Mars afflictions in married life of a person.
A Manglik can be anyone man or a woman. Although this is a condition that causes great amount of emotional distress for both boy and girl. In case of women it is more stressful as it creates problem in their marriage and getting a suitable match for them.
In Horoscope there are only 12 houses and placement of Mars in 5 of these houses makes one a Manglik. This in turn means that almost 45% of the population is likely to be Mangliks.
Manglik dosh Cancellation
Mars in its own house will lead to the manglik dosha cancellation. When Aquarius ascendant has mars in 4th house no manglik effect. Such cancellations happen when in case of Sagittarius and Pisces it is there in 8th house. Mars in 7th house in case of Cancer and Capricorn will cause the Manglik dosha cancellations.
chanting Gayatri Mantra for 108 times in a day, keeping fast on Tuesday, chanting the Hanuman Chalisa daily, donating red clothes to the workers will definitely reduce ill effects.