Varna Matching and Varna Koota in Marriage Astrology

Varna Matching and Varna Koota in Marriage Astrology

Varna Koota or Varna Koot is an important part of Indian synastry called horoscope matching. The matching of Varna of two people, the bride and the bridegroom, is called Varna matching.

From the perspective of 36 points Guna Milan, the Varna Koota is a small parameter for analyzing compatibility between a bride and bridegroom. The Varnas are also not included in the ten Poruthams. By the importance given to Varna Koot in both the styles of horoscope matching, we can understand it to be not so prominent in compatibility analysis. But how can Varna Koot act as a sweetener to an existing good relationship?

Varna Matching and Varna Koota in Marriage Astrology
Varna Matching and Varna Koota in Marriage Astrology

Let’s understand. What Varna basically is? How can varna be known from horoscope? And how is varna matching done?

What is varna?

The Varna of a person can be understood as a natural inclination or a natural temper of a person.

Note: You can skip the information below and go directly to Varna Koota if you are only interested in Varna for its applications of Vedic astrology.

History of the Varna system

In ancient Indian, the people and the society have identified and classified themselves into four types, namely the four varnas. These four varnas are the Brahman varna or Brahmin varna, the Kshatriya varna, the Vaishya varna and the Shudra varna.

The following are the key features of a person belonging to a particular Varna.

Brahmin varna: A person belonging to Brahmin varna have a natural tendency to be a visionary. By visionary we mean that they have a good ability to see what’s behind the actual surface. They are the people who can understand very well the “cause and effect relationship” in any event.

On the other hand, they can be most impulsive about either their or others’ emotions.

Kshatriya Varna: The people of Kshatriya Varna can be understood as warm-blooded beings. They were significantly recognized by their boldness, honesty, valor and ability to tolerate. These persons are very good as a shield of any society. They have the ability to confront and defend themselves either verbally or through actions.

On the other side, the can quickly be given to anger.

Vaishya Varna: The people of Vaishya Varna have a natural gift to evaluate things on efficiency. They can find a way to do things the simpler way. They have the most entrepreneurial nature. And for a society, they can run a market where things or values are exchanged or be a part of that exchange.

Sometimes the gain and profitability might cause them to overlook the ethics of the society.

Shudra varna: The mindset of the shudra varna people is very different. They see the present society as a general template. Their mindset is often about following the best-presented idea from the society.

The Shudra varna people have a ‘follower’ type of mindset. They can be the best people when it comes to offering dedication to the dominant social values. And they can be the worst performing people when the fundamental values of the society are set to something worst.

Ideally, none of these classes mentioned above are recognized as higher or lower, But all of them have their well-defined functions in society. In the ancient Indian timeline, when this varna classification was highly replaced and dominated by another classification that had the same name but a different soul, the proper functioning of the society deteriorated ".

The classification of society based on Caste and caste system was the point where the whole of the social structure started to collapse for Indian culture.

The very reason for this is that a Varna classification is based on birth and natural talent and tendencies. Whereas caste classification is pure nepotism where a son of a Brahmin is considered a Brahmin as well. But that child born to a person with brahmin varna did not necessarily have brahmin varna in horoscope to function for that social responsibilities. It was then that the whole Varna classification of society lost its soul and purpose. Gradually after that, things came downhill for ancient Indian culture. But fortunately, somehow, the Vedic astrology was preserved. And Vedic astrology is the only way to find the actual varna of anyone from their birth details or horoscope.

The entire point of discussing the ancient roots of Varna was to give you a better idea of the subject.

Finding the Varna of a person

To find out the Varna of a person all we need to know is the Birth Sign or Janma Rashi of that person. The Janma Rashi is the Moon Sign of the individual. The varna of a person depends upon the Moon sign and is independent of the Birth Nakshatra or the Janma Nakshatra.

As we know there are four types of Varna: Brahmin Varna, Kshatriya Varna, Vaishya Varna and Shudra Varna.

  1. A person born into any of three water sign will be of Brahmin varna.
  2. A person born into any of the three fire signs will belong to the Kshatriya varna.
  3. A person born into any of the three air signs will belong to Vaishya varna.
  4. A person born into any of the three earth signs will belong to Shudra varna.

Hence the varna of a person depends on the moon sign at birth. The type of varna one might have can be better understood with the help of the table below.

VarnaMoon SignsElement of Sign
Brahmin VarnaCancer, Scorpio and PiscesWater
Kshatriya VarnaAries, Leo and SagittariusFire
Vaishya VarnaTaurus, Virgo and CapricornAir
Shudra VarnaGemini, Libra and AquariusEarth

What is varna koota?

Varna Koota is one of the compatibility parameter or compatibility factor in horoscope matching which checks the compatibility of varna between the boy and girl.

Varna Koota is only the part of Kundli matching style of North India. In Southern India, this parameter is not taken into account.